Mortgage Post Bankruptcy
This should come as no surprise, but sometimes life throws you a financial curveball. Bankruptcy and consumer proposals happen.
A Conversation About Mortgage Pre-approvals
Thinking of buying a property, but don’t know where to start? Well… that’s where a mortgage pre-approval comes in. Start here.
How Interest Rates are Like Gas Prices
Have you ever noticed that just like gas prices, interest rates seem to go up and down for no reason at all?
5 Things You Need to Know Before You Co-Sign a Mortgage
So you’re thinking about co-signing for a mortgage? Okay, do you really know what that means do you know what you are getting yourself into? Co-signing isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there is certainly a lot of misinformation floating around on the subject.
Deposit vs Downpayment
As part of the mortgage and real estate processes, there’s a lot of confusion around the differences between the deposit and the downpayment. It’s important to understand what sets them apart so you don’t get confused when it’s time to secure financing on a property once you have an accepted offer.
New Construction Assignment
One of the benefits of working with an independent mortgage professional is having lots of great financing options! Rather than dealing with a single lender who has one set of products, brokers work with multiple lenders who offer a wide selection of mortgage financing options.
Can I Give Someone The Downpayment to Buy My House?
Although it might not always be this straightforward, the question “Can I give someone the downpayment to buy my house?” presents itself in many different ways.
The 10 Don’ts of Mortgage Closing
Okay, so here we are… we have worked together to secure financing for your mortgage. You are getting a great rate, favourable terms that meet your mortgage goals, the lender is satisfied with all the supporting documents, we are broker complete, and the only thing left to do is wait for the day the lawyers advance the funds for the mortgage.
5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Investing in a Small(er) Home
The larger home is not always the better home. Yes, there still exists a large group of individuals who enjoy owning a grand estate, complete with all the modern conveniences, in addition to everything you could ever want; and of course, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this.
As Simple as Porting Your Mortgage!
As simple as porting your mortgage! Said by no one ever. The truth is, there is nothing simple about porting your mortgage.
Getting on the Property Ladder
As property prices continue to rise across Canada, the conversation around “how to climb the property ladder” has made a subtle shift to “how to get on the property ladder in the first place”. Especially if you’re single.
Payment Frequency, Does it Really Make a Difference?
It has been said that there are two certainties in life; death and taxes. Well, as it relates to your mortgage, the single certainty is that you will pay back what you borrowed, plus interest. However, how you make your mortgage payments, the payment frequency, is somewhat up to you!
What You Can Expect When Locking in a Variable Rate
If you have a variable rate mortgage, and recent economic news has you thinking about locking into a fixed rate, here is what you can expect will happen.
5 Things to Help You Survive Your 40s & 50s
You know those days where everything goes wrong and you’re so tired you don’t know what direction’s up? They’re a lot more manageable when you know what you’re working towards.
Using Common Spending Habits to Accelerate Mortgage Repayment
Whether you are looking to save a downpayment for your first home or you would like to pay down your existing mortgage just a little more quickly, the secret to getting ahead might just be in managing your spending habits.
What is Bridge Financing?
Let’s say you have a home that you’ve outgrown, it’s time to make a move to something more suited for your family. You have no desire to keep two houses, so you decide that selling your existing home, and moving into something new is the best idea.
Homebuyers: Avoid These Common Mortgage Pitfalls
A home is the largest purchase most people will make in their lives. That should reinforce the importance of planning ahead, doing your research, relying on the advice of experts and not rushing through the process.
5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Fitness
Thinking about buying your first home? The race to home ownership is more like a marathon than a sprint: diligent planning, pacing and strategy are the keys to success. Are you ready to approach the starting line? Here are five ways to shape up and boost your financial fitness so you’re set for success.
How Does Your Credit Score Hold Up?
In an article released by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), it appears that those people who have a mortgage tend to be a little more credit worthy compared to those who don’t. It also points out that credit scores are quite steady across Canada.
Top Dollar: How High Can You Go?
Affordability is a major concern for today’s aspiring first-time homebuyers.